Friends, family, fun, and food! What could be better? Well, that’s what hunting in Wisconsin is all about.
We’ve got a long tradition of being a leader in hunter numbers and participation and we intend to keep it that way. But participation in hunting is slipping some due to a variety of factors like increased urbanization, less unstructured free time, and a reduced deer population in parts of the state. We’ve done our best to address the deer population problem and we’ve gotten some cooperation from Mother Nature.
Now it’s time for us as hunters to do our part. The future of hunting in Wisconsin is bright – there is a constitutional guarantee of our right to hunt. However, who hunts in the future is up to us. I got started in hunting through friends and colleagues who mentored me and I want to give that back by introducing someone new to hunting. I hope you do too.
New hunters are best started by an experienced friend or family member. It takes time and commitment to start a hunting tradition – as I’m sure many of you know. But commitment – our commitment -- will serve as our legacy to the next generation in Wisconsin.
Hunters are directly responsible for a big part of the conservation of this state’s beautiful natural resources and we all want to pass that legacy on to the next generation. So invite a friend to try hunting this fall. Take your daughters hunting too. Nothing is better than time spent in the fall woods with our children.
Active hunters are clearly the most effective way to recruit new hunters. If each of us is able to start one more person hunting, the tradition will be secure for the next generation. So give it a try. Introduce a friend to hunting this fall. Your enthusiasm and commitment are needed and your efforts will be appreciated in the next generation. If we don’t do it, who will?
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Keith Warnke – (608) 576-5243

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