AKRON, OH - Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH), a ministry that provides nutritious venison to the hungry through food banks and local feeding programs now has eleven participating coordinators in Northeast Ohio. FHFH helps hunters return to their heritage as food-providers by transforming deer - renewable resources- into meals for the hungry.
Hunters in Northeast Ohio can contact the following coordinators to arrange deer donations at participating butchers. Hunters may also find information on 20 northeast Ohio drop-off locations at www.fhfh.org.
Carroll County: Mark Oboy, 740-269-3024, mvoboy@eohio.net
Columbiana, Mahoning, & Trumbull counties: Carol Bretz, 330-424-7221, ext. 101,bretz@caaofcc.org
Cuyahoga, Erie, & Lorain counties: Pete Banks, 440-988-5495, pete@fhfh.org
Holmes County: Dustin Taylor, 330-231-3295, DustinMTaylor@gmail.com
Portage County: David Walstad, 330-256-1368, northernohiofhfh@yahoo.com
Wayne County: Fred Bradford & Dennis Derflinger, Fred 330-201-4117, Dennis 330-464-0284 fjbradfordllc@gmail.com, derfsdv@sssnet.com
Successful hunters donate deer to partnering butcher shops that are licensed and inspected by the health department or USDA. Regional food banks as well as local feeding programs and ministries that feed the hungry pick up the packaged, frozen meat from the butcher shop. Local FHFH chapters raise money to cover the butchering costs so that hunters can donate their deer free of charge. FHFH then matches that amount with grant monies from Division of Wildlife.
FHFH began in 1997 and blossomed from one Maryland County to over half of the states in the nation. Since its inception, FHFH has provided nutritious meat for millions of meals to the food banks and agencies that serve the poor across the country. FHFH is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Anyone interested in becoming a local Ohio FHFH coordinator or a participating meat processor should visit the "Local FHFH" page at www.fhfh.org.

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