The archery season started September 24 and will continue through February 5, 2012.
Counties reporting the highest numbers of deer brought to check stations were: Licking-1,836, Coshocton-1,522, Tuscarawas-1,259, Ashtabula-1,143, Holmes-1,101, Knox-1,092, Muskingun-1,060, Guernsey-1,045, and Hamilton and Trumbull-977.
“While the season is still young, harvest figures for the second year in a row suggest that our liberal seasons and use of the antlerless deer permit may be having the desired impact on herds in those areas of the state where reductions are needed most,” said Mike Tonkovich, deer biologist for the ODNR Division of Wildlife.
The statewide deer population was estimated to be 750,000 in early October. Approximately 345,000 bow hunters are expected to participate in the statewide deer-archery hunting season.
Bow hunters harvested a total of 85,012 deer during last year's four-month Ohio archery season.
Hunters can share photos of their success in the field online by visiting and clicking on Photo Gallery. The photo submission process is easy and posted photos may be e-mailed to a friend.
A detailed listing of deer-hunting rules can be found in the 2011-2012 Ohio Hunting and Trapping Regulations Digest that is available wherever licenses are sold, and online at
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at
EDITORS NOTE: Following is a list of deer checked and tagged by hunters during the first six weeks of the current deer-archery hunting season. The number taken during the 2010 season is marked in ( ): 2011 (2010)
Adams –945 (931); Allen –290 (369); Ashland –676 (779); Ashtabula –1,143 (1,248); Athens – 709(719); Auglaize –213 (221); Belmont –488 (670); Brown –608 (702); Butler –538 (591); Carroll –773 (957); Champaign –442 (455); Clark –253 (290); Clermont –939 (1,060); Clinton –234 (283); Columbiana –699 (814); Coshocton –1,522 (1,776); Crawford –257 (281); Cuyahoga –303 (320); Darke –264 (247); Defiance –371 (441); Delaware –492 (610); Erie –188 (221); Fairfield –571 (634); Fayette –50 (75); Franklin –291 (289); Fulton –214 (251); Gallia –451 (589); Geauga –748 (786); Greene –338 (327); Guernsey –1,045 (1,183); Hamilton –977 (867); Hancock –284 (377); Hardin –273 (322); Harrison –902 (1,144); Henry –161(180); Highland –666 (754); Hocking –704 (752); Holmes –1,101 (1,328); Huron –523 (502); Jackson –626 (694); Jefferson –494 (739); Knox –1,092 (1,222); Lake –262 (263); Lawrence –446 (525); Licking –1,836 (1,912); Logan –616 (644); Lorain –691 (795); Lucas –237 (205); Madison –136 (157); Mahoning –545 (537); Marion –189 (203); Medina –584 (617); Meigs –564 (646); Mercer –178 (203); Miami –271 (303); Monroe –419 (487); Montgomery –233 (253); Morgan –443 (520); Morrow –424 (436); Muskingum –1,060 (1,182); Noble –530 (640); Ottawa –133 (143); Paulding –233 (338); Perry –494 (524); Pickaway –204 (230); Pike –426 (471); Portage –748 (771); Preble –273 (265); Putnam –193 (269); Richland –945 (1,113); Ross –597 (695); Sandusky –250 (269); Scioto –512 (541); Seneca –404 (459); Shelby –262 (303); Stark –543 (613); Summit –515 (543); Trumbull –977 (1,016); Tuscarawas –1,259 (1,483); Union –223 (240); Van Wert – 154 (187); Vinton –496 (583); Warren –511 (551); Washington –467 (542); Wayne –501 (622); Williams –542 (621); Wood –180 (261); Wyandot –272 (362); Total –45,836 (51,543)

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